After playing as a sideman in numerous projects, the Belgian bassist Félix Zurstrassen is now stepping up to lead an international quartet and present a first album at the border of modern and contemporary jazz. This sophisticated and contemporary music gives pride of place to the acoustic sounds of the instruments
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Over the past ten years, bassist Félix Zurstrassen has established himself as a key figure on the Belgian jazz scene. He received a Sabam Jazz award in 2017 for his “role as a focal and rallying point for the young Belgian jazz scene by contributing to some of its foremost projects.” A sideman in many projects (Antoine Pierre Urbex, Fabrizio Cassol, Stéphane Galland, LG Jazz Collective, Muzicazur, Typh Barrow, … ), he is now revealing himself for the first time at the helm of a high-flying trio that brings together the brilliant Zurstrassen/Pierre rhythm section and the incomparable Nelson Veras (Brazil) on acoustic guitar. The trio added the brass of the internationally renowned alto saxophonist, the Dutchman Ben van Gelder (also a guest on Urbex’s album).
This “all-star” formula provides the framework for “Nova”, a first personal album located on the border of modern and contemporary jazz. The compositions entirely signed by Félix (except for the cover “April in Paris”) draw their melodic inspiration from a Brad Mehldau or a Pat Metheny while the (poly)rhythmic universe is more influenced by the conceptual music of Steve Coleman and Aka Moon. “Nova” offers music that is melodious, innovative, demanding and ambitious in many ways.
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Formats | MP3-320, Vinyl, WAV-16BIT, WAV-24BIT, CD |