Coincidence did things well: all it took was a flyer and a few clicks on Myspace for Eve Beuvens and Mikael Godée to meet. Nine years later, after dozens of concerts, here is their second quartet disc “Looking Forward”.

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Their first concerts as a duo revealed a very natural complicity in which they associated Magnus Bergström on double bass and Johan Birgenius on drums to form the MEQ quartet, short for Mikael-Eve-Quartet.

Both at the helm of the group equally, Eve and Mikael share the compositions, and they form a surprisingly homogeneous whole. The four musicians are linked by a very strong mutual trust, the risks they take therefore in no way alter the natural unfolding of the music.

Although it evokes Nordic lyricism, their music is energetic, unique and warm: it is an expedition into a forest of the Far North colored with surprising bursts of vivacity.
Between Mikael and Eve, nothing had ever been discussed, such as who drives the car, what chords to play or what octave to play the melody at. This is a true collaboration where everything is shared equally.
